Words on a page are words on a page. Write a rant about how much you don’t want to write. Write something that has nothing to do with your current passion project. As long as you keep writing, you are making progress, so Don’t. Ever. Stop.
Staying Motivated While Writing a Novel
Written by: Danielle Sanchez
January 28, 20201
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have resolved to write a novel during their quarantine. Needless to say, our quarantine lasted significantly longer than any of us could have anticipated. That long unwritten novel became more and more of a reality, but many people soon realized that writing a book is not easy.
Daily life can continually cut into your writing time. Writer’s block can randomly show up as you try to write the next chapter of your long-awaited story. All of this can turn writing into a stressful thought rather than an enjoyable process. Here are five tips to help bust through writer’s block and keep working on that passion project.
Set Goals
We’ve all made New Year Resolutions before, and we have all not followed through on them, too. Setting realistic goals and writing them down helps you to keep taking small steps towards the end game. Whether it be to write a hundred words a day or finish a six-page chapter in a month, any goal written down is a reminder of what you are striving to do. NaNoWriMo is best known for its National Novel Writing Month. However, their website offers encouragement, goal-setting tools, and advice year-round!
Keep Writing
Even if writing sounds like the most torturous thing in the world, write anyway. Writing even when you don’t want to sometimes produces the best work because of the powerful emotions stirring within you. Starting is the best way to motivate yourself to keep going. Words on a page are words on a page. Write a rant about how much you don’t want to write. Write something that has nothing to do with your current passion project. As long as you keep writing, you are making progress, so Don’t. Ever. Stop.
Write Out of Order
Sometimes you don’t know where you’re at, but you know where you want to go, so write your destination, and the journey will come to you. It sometimes feels odd to write the resolution while you’re in the middle of the rising action, but it’s okay! Writing is writing, so any progress you make on your novel is good progress. You do not need to write your book chronologically from beginning to end.
Keep Pushing Forward
It can be difficult to resist reading through what you’ve written, but that is something that can and should wait. Re-hashing what you’ve written will trap you in a constant cycle of editing and rewriting before you manage to finish your first draft. If you are eager for feedback, ask a trusted friend, family member, or colleague to be a beta reader. Give them what you’re looking for feedback on, and let them loose on your novel. While they read, you write, giving them more to comment on.
Take Care of Yourself
The world is a scary place right now, and it can be challenging to find the motivation to create and throw yourself into your passion projects. Writing is essential, but your mental and physical health are even more so. Not only is it necessary to take care of yourself, but it is also crucial if you want to produce good writing and achieve your goals. If you’re feeling burnt out or overwhelmed, take a walk, listen to music, or talk to someone you trust. Do whatever you need to do to feel better, so you can put your best word forward on the page. It will always be there for you when you’re ready, so take your time.
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