self care tips for writers

“After all, if you aren’t writing something you love, why are you writing in the first place? If you’re passionate about a story, there will be readers who will love it too.”

5 Self-care Tips for Writers

Written by: Christine B
December 2, 2021


While we love our craft, writing can be emotionally and mentally draining. Taking time out for self-care is vital for your productivity, creativity, and happiness. Here are 5 self-care tips to help you avoid writer burnout:


Stop Caring About What Others Think

self care tips for writersInstead of writing something and hoping others like it, whether they be family members, friends, or some hypothetical literary agent, write what makes you happy. Not everyone is going to agree with your ideas, and they don’t have to. It doesn’t matter if they do. So stop caring about what other people think and start writing for you. After all, if you aren’t writing something you love, why are you writing in the first place? If you’re passionate about a story, there will be readers who will love it too.


Create a Writing Space

Having a distraction-free, dedicated workspace can do wonders for not only your productivity but also your mental health. Set up a comfortable, sacred place that you only use for writing, it’ll keep your mind focused on the task at hand without getting distracted. Your writing spot doesn’t have to be in your home either, libraries, coffeehouses, or even parks are all great places to find your space.


Take Breaks

self care tips for writersDon’t write so hard and fast that you get burned out. Regular breaks are imperative to maintaining creativity and productivity. If you’re in the middle of a writing bender, be careful not to burn yourself out. Set aside just a few minutes to relax your mind so you can return to your writing refreshed and ready to give it your full attention.



It’s not unusual to come out of a writing frenzy and realize that you’ve been hunched in the same position for the last few hours. Exercise is important for both physical and mental wellness. So find one thing you can do every day to get the blood flowing. It could be a walk through the park, a yoga class, or even just doing a few squats in between chapters. Find something to do that you enjoy.


Find a Community

self care tips for writersWriting is sometimes a lonely hobby. Talking to fellow writers can be a fantastic way to beat writer’s block, brainstorm new ideas and get much-needed feedback. If you don’t have a writing group nearby, don’t stress. There are plenty of ways to get involved in the online writing community. Social media, writer forums, and events are all great places to meet other writers who understand exactly what you’re going through.


If you need help focusing on your craft, here are some tips on Staying Motivated While Writing a Novel!



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