With a partner who’s personally invested in the success of your writing and has experience in the craft, you’ll get more constructive criticism on your work and ideas.
5 Benefits of Writing with a Partner
Written by: Christine B.
February 2, 2021
Instead of tackling a project solo, you can work with a writing partner as a creative collaborator to share responsibility and inspiration. Finding the right co-writer can make the daunting writing process much easier. Here are just 5 advantages to writing with a partner.
Instant Feedback
Your writing partner is available for instant feedback. When writing alone, you’ll have to ask someone to read your script, and their feedback may not be as constructive. With a partner who’s personally invested in the success of your writing and has experience in the craft, you’ll get more constructive criticism on your work and ideas. Not only will your collective project be stronger, but with constant feedback, you’ll become a better writer as well.
Two imaginations are better than one. Breaking the rules, crafting original ideas, and creating inspired content are all possibilities alone, but a writing partner will make the process so much easier. By pooling together your experiences, your writing team will have more material to draw from as well as using one another as a bouncing board for ideas.
Few writers are great at every aspect of writing. Odds are you might struggle in one area or another with your writing. The most successful writing partners have skills that complement each other. For example, one person is strong with writing dialogue and the other is strong with character development.
More hands make less work. With a writing partner, you can divide and conquer the workload instead of taking it all on yourself. Most writing partners brainstorm, outline, edit, and re-write together, but they might divide the writing by individual scenes or sections. Every partnership tackles the workload differently, but having another set of hands doubles your creative output. Plus your writing partner will act as an accountability partner making sure that you follow through on deadlines and keep on track.
Overcome writer’s block
If you’ve written yourself into a corner, you might be ready to throw your hands up and take a long break, or worse, scrap the entire project. A writing partner is right there to share ideas when you’re stuck. Talking through ideas with someone else can make you see things in a new way or find solutions you hadn’t thought of before.
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