For some writers, it might be the best time to produce works. But for others, the arrival of a new year, with its internal and external expectations, might be overwhelming. It’s not hard to feel caught up in all the changes.

2021 Resolutions to Live By

Written by: AJ Bajo
December 14, 2020


Granted, 2020 has been a whirlwind of a year. From politics to our societies and economy, we have seen a lot of changes that will greatly impact the way we live in the next few years.

For some writers, it might be the best time to produce works. But for others, the arrival of a new year, with its internal and external expectations, might be overwhelming. It’s not hard to feel caught up in all the changes.

But as Alfred, Lord Tennyson puts it in his poem Ulysses, ’tis not too late to seek a newer world. And writers play a significant role in ushering in new worlds.

Here are some resolutions to ponder on and incorporate in your new year as we strive to seek, to find and not to yield.


To Write with Intent 

Words can create mindsets, start revolutions or relay innermost feelings. But as much as they can affect positively, they can also be mishandled.

Make 2021 the year when you write with a purpose in mind, and to be more careful of the content that represents you.


To Widen Horizons

Are you a poet who feels that you have more words to say than can be encapsulated in a poem? Maybe it’s time to look into essays or other forms of writing.

Do you want other people to read or hear your poetry? Make 2021 the year of joining–or maybe creating–poetry groups.


To Believe in Your Work

Maybe 2021 can be the year when you start writing not just for leisure. Venture into part-time writing if you have the time, as a way to widen your horizons and earn extra income.

It can also be the year that you let other people read your works by publishing your first novel, short story, essay or poetry collection. Whenever you decide to take that leap, remember that your story matters.


To Value the Audience

You can’t help it, your audience will have their own thoughts and opinions. It may do good to listen to any constructive criticism that might help you.

This resolution also supports writing with intent. Your words will reach people and influence them in ways you might not expect, so it’s important to value the individuals who will read your works.


To Remain True to Yourself 

While oftentimes you will have to write with the audience in mind, be careful about staying true to your belief and value system. It’s a way to take care of your mental health and remain sane amid all the hustle.

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