“In a time of destruction, create something.”
― Maxine Hong Kingston
The Best Gifts for Writers, By Writers
Written By: Christine B.
December 16, 2021
Thinking of the perfect gift for the writer in your life might give you a case for your own writer’s block. No matter the budget or genre, we have some of the top present recommendations for every writer.
A jar of writing prompts
All you need is a jar, some paper, and lots of creativity for this easy, budget-friendly gift. Using strips of paper, write down different prompts and creative ideas. A quick Google search will bring up hundreds of ideas for what to write, but be creative! Writing prompts could be as simple as an excerpt of dialogue, a picture, a description of a setting, or anything else that might inspire the imagination. Simply roll up the papers and put them in a cute jar for a fun DIY gift.
Coffee, tea, or wine
Whether your writer is a coffee addict, tea connoisseur, or wine enthusiast, their favorite beverage may be just the thing to get their creative juices flowing. Anything related to their favorite beverage would make the perfect gift- maybe some herbal loose leaf tea, a bottle of local wine, or a new coffee mug would all make for useful gifts. And if their desk is already littered with quirky mugs, a gift card to their favorite beverage place may be the boost they need to finish that chapter.
Sign them up for a workshop
Writers are avid learners. Consider signing up your writer for a workshop, whether online or in-person, to feed their intellectual appetite. There are a wide variety of classes available at any time that might capture the interest of your writer- consider classes on Creative Writing, Scriptwriting, or even a rock climbing course that might spawn some adventurous ideas. If in-person classes aren’t an option, there are a plethora of seminars available online like Masterclass where they can take a course with their favorite author, like Neil Gaiman.
Voice Recorder
If your writer talks to themself, that’s a completely normal symptom of the craft. They’re not crazy. Sometimes the best ideas need to be heard aloud, and a voice recorder is a perfect way to make sure those great ideas don’t disappear. A voice recorder is a super handy tool for any writer, especially one who might travel frequently or be too busy to take notes by hand.
Annual Subscription
Writing tools can be expensive, and we’re not just talking about a leatherbound journal and fountain pen set (though that’d be a great gift too). If your writer likes to work on their computer, then those programs can add up. Consider getting them an annual subscription for Microsoft Office, or a one-time purchase for a writing software like Scrivner.
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