“In a Texas mall that stuck in the 1990s, the owner/operator of a glamour photo studio and her fellow shopkeepers struggle to stay afloat when a for-profit community college threatens to take over their spaces, businesses, and livelihood.” ― Linzy Beltran, Series Logline
5 Questions with Comedy Writer and Performer, Linzy Beltran
January 27, 2022
Linzy Beltran is a Salvadorian-American writer and performer based in Austin, Texas. She is a member of multiple improv troupes as well as sketch teams, Glam Fam and Prayer Circle. She debuted her one-person show, Linzy with a Z at the Second City Diversity Comedy Festival in Los Angeles in 2019. She also hosts a jazz and comedy open mic called Jazz Kween in Austin, Texas. Linzy previously worked as an Event Producer for C3 Presents but the pandemonium (Covid-19) caused her to lose her job because, ya know, no events! She previously served as an Executive Assistant at Austin Film Festival and Associate Producer for On Story: Presented by Austin Film Festival.
We had a chance to interview Linzy and ask her a few questions:
Why did I get into comedy?

Some comedy heroes of mine were Jim Carey, Kristen Wiig & Eugenio Derbez.
At some point did you feel like you failed as a writer? What helped you get back on track?
The battle of failure is more internal than anything. I constantly feel like a failure because I’m not doing enough or am getting rejected by contests or receiving a bad note. Getting into the NHMC Writing Cohort in 2021 came as a surprise but also as an inspiration that reminded me that I am good at this and that I want to keep doing the work.
Are you working on other projects right now or branching out to other forms of writing?

In addition to writing, I take acting classes and tap dancing. Who knows – maybe tap dancing will come back in the 2040s (and Latinos will be more in the spotlight for it by then).
What advice can you give to emerging comedy writers?
I still consider myself emerging so some advice I constantly am working on giving myself is to not be so hard on myself. Whenever I think of an idea or I start writing, I tend to want it to be perfect and judge it if it isn’t. I now constantly remind myself that it’s okay to let it out and that what’s coming out is good and fun and will get better!
Plans for 2022?